Monday, 20 October 2014

So what do you want to see on micropiling?

Hi Micropilers,

In this blog we want to talk about a survey we made for you. As you have read in our last blog our project is to increase the knowledge about micropiling. While doing this we want people from all over the world to be engaged in creating a network between companies, engineers, universities and Facebook communities.

For this to work we want to ask you, the current active people on this page, to answer a few simple questions about micropiling and your idea on this concept. The survey consist of a few questions which will take 10-15 minutes to answer. We would like you to answer the questions and to be detailed on why you choose your answer. This way we know what sort of work we need to do to make this page interesting for you!
With this information we want to make this page fun, informative, interesting and helpful for your daily and working life. We would like to see you ask questions on the Facebookpage that your colleagues could help you answer. Next to that we want to see you post new ideas about micropiling to make this concept even better and more known around the world. So please take a little bit of time to fill in this survey.

The rules 
These are the rules for the survey:
- The survey will be up on 23-10-2014. 8:30 GMT+0.00. 
- The survey is only up for 10 days, so reserve a spot in your agenda to answer these questions.
- The information you give will stay with us and will only be used to improve the facebook page.
- Please explain the answer you give to help us by giving us as much information as possible.
- Get Engaged!

We are very curious on which companies and countries are currently engaged in micropiling. We would like to know when and where you use it and why micropiling works for you!
If you can’t wait to get engaged please leave a comment below on what you think of our project and give us tips on what you would like to see posted. After this we might contact you to talk about micropiling, the page and global communication a bit more.



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